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Jeff Php Framework

Jeff is a modular, extensible, OOP, MVC, lightweight php framework designed to ease the programmers in the development of web applications.

Designed for a database driven programming experience, ensures an indisputable rapidity in development thanks to its auto-generated back office functionality.



Jeff was used to develop the folkclub web site.

Founded by Franco Lucà on April 16, 1988 in Torino, Folkclub is now directed by Davide Valfrè and Paolo Lucà, with the collaboration of Rossella Moretti, FolkClub has more than 40.000 members.

Folkclub produces a winter season of 60 concerts every year, held in the Folkclub music room, and the musical season of Maison Musique. The Folkclub has gained a well known international reputation as one of the best clubs in Europe for live music.