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Jeff Php Framework

Jeff is a modular, extensible, OOP, MVC, lightweight php framework designed to ease the programmers in the development of web applications.

Designed for a database driven programming experience, ensures an indisputable rapidity in development thanks to its auto-generated back office functionality.

Download and installation

Let's see how to download Jeff and install it, in order to be ready to begin developing our web applications.

Download Jeff

You may download Jeff here, from githubsoftpedia or clone the whole git repository. Be sure to get the last released version.

To clone the whole repository you may use this command (make sure to have git properly installed on your machine)

git clone git:// ./jeff

Install Jeff

Install Jeff it's easy, here are the step to perform.

Create a database

Inside the root directory there are the two files jeff_en.sql and jeff_it.sql which contain the SQL statements to execute in order to create all the db tables needed by Jeff base configuration. So:

  • create a new database
  • execute all the queries gotten from the sql file.

Once the database has been created we may pass to the second step and configure Jeff. 

Configure Jeff

Now you have to set the right parameters for the db connection and the base path in the .htaccess files.

Open the configuration.php file:

define('APP_LANGUAGE', 'it_IT');
define('DBMS', 'mysql');
define('DB_HOST', 'localhost');
define('DB_DBNAME', 'db_jeff');
define('DB_USER', 'root');
define('DB_PASSWORD', '');
define('DB_SCHEMA', '');
define('DB_CHARSET', 'utf8');
define('PWD_HASH', 'md5'); // md5 | sha1 | "empty"(-> no criptation)
define('DEBUG', true);

and edit the DB_PARAMS in order to fit your DBMS settings.

Then open the .htaccess file and edit the line

RewriteBase /jeff.git/

so that it points to jeff root relative to the web server document root. By default jeff stays in the subdirectory jeff.git of the web server document root.

Do the same thing with the file admin/.htaccess, editing the line

RewriteBase /git/jeff/admin/


We're ready!
Visit the Jeff root at the address server by yor web server and you'll see the home page of the Jeff base web application.

Add admin to the url to go to the administrative area login page, the default account is:
user: admin
password: admin

After logging in you'll see the Jeff base web application administrative area, and you're ready to create new system users, change sone configurations, change layout ansd so on...

What's next?

Surf the documentation section