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Jeff Php Framework

Jeff is a modular, extensible, OOP, MVC, lightweight php framework designed to ease the programmers in the development of web applications.

Designed for a database driven programming experience, ensures an indisputable rapidity in development thanks to its auto-generated back office functionality.

Weblog - releases

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Jeff v0.99 released

Many new features and code improvements

The version v0.99 of Jeff framework is out!

There are many and substantial improvements to the framework in this version, at core level, modules, code optimization and documentation.

Let's see more in detail the main changes that led to the new version.

Improvements and new features

  • share function: the new function was added in order to ease the creation of share links. The supported social platforms are facebook, twitter, linkedin, googleplus and digg.
  • cut html text function: the new function allows to truncate an html preserving the correct tag
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