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Jeff PHP framework
Modular, extensible, OOP, MVC, lightweight php framework designed to ease the programmers in the development of web applications.
00001 <?php 00013 return array( 00014 00015 "JeffDescription" => "<p>Jeff is a php framework for the devolepement of web applications.</p> 00016 <p>Technical requirements:</p> 00017 <ul> 00018 <li>Server Apache >= 2</li> 00019 <li>PHP >= 5</li> 00020 <li>MySql >= 5, or other DBMS after having installed its support module</li> 00021 </ul> 00022 <p>Jeff uses the MVC pattern, is highly and easily configurable and may be personalized with the use of different themes.</p> 00023 <p>Jeff uses <a href=\"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTML5\">html5</a> and <a href=\"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CSS3#CSS_3\">css3</a>, it uses intensively javascript (<a href=\"http://www.mootools.net\">mootools</a> framework, now with the release 1.3).</p> 00024 <p>Jeff has a modular structure which make it easily extensible.</p>", 00025 "Login"=>"Login", 00026 "login"=>"login", 00027 "poweredby"=>"powered by", 00028 "AdminArea"=>"Administrative Area", 00029 "adminWelcome"=>"<p>Welcome in the Jeff's administrative area. From here you may control every aspect of your application, depending on your perivilege settings</p>", 00030 "ManageTable"=>"Manage table", 00031 "Record"=>"Record", 00032 "RecordInTable"=>"Records in table", 00033 "edit"=>"edit", 00034 "Edit"=>"Edit", 00035 "delete"=>"delete", 00036 "insert"=>"insert", 00037 "save"=>"save", 00038 "saveContinueEditing"=>"save and continue editing", 00039 "exportSelected"=>"export selected records", 00040 "exportAll"=>"export all", 00041 "insertNewRecord"=>"insert new record", 00042 "SelectAtleastRecord"=>"Select at least one record", 00043 "ProcedeDeleteSelectedRecords"=>"Go on with the deletion of the selected records?", 00044 "yes"=>"yes", 00045 "no"=>"no", 00046 "userEditPwdLabel"=>"leave the field empty if you don't want to change the password", 00047 "ManageGroups"=>"Manage groups", 00048 "ManageGroupsExp"=>"The 5 system groups (<b>SysAdmin</b>, <b>Admin</b>, <b>Power</b>, <b>User</b> e <b>Guest</b>) can't be editer nor deleted. The system administrators group, holding all the privileges, is the <b>SysAdmin</b>. The <b>Guest</b> group is associated to the non-authenticated user. Is possible to define privileges for every group except from the <b>SysAdmin</b> one.", 00049 "GroupsInSystem"=>"Groups present in the system", 00050 "NewGroup"=>"New group", 00051 "GeneralData"=>"General data", 00052 "ManagePrivileges"=>"Manage privileges", 00053 "description"=>"description", 00054 "Description"=>"Description", 00055 "Name"=>"Name", 00056 "Preview"=>"Preview", 00057 "ACTIVE"=>"ACTIVE", 00058 "activate"=>"activate", 00059 "TableContent"=>"Content of table", 00060 "ManagePrivilegesExp"=>"List of functionalities that may be assigned to user groups. The SysAdmin group holds by default all privileges.", 00061 "ManageLayout"=>"Manage layout", 00062 "ManageLayoutExp"=>"List of all charged themes. Activate the desired one.", 00063 "Error"=>"Error", 00064 "Hints"=>"Hints", 00065 "authError"=>"authentication error", 00066 "compulsoryFieldsError"=>"compulsory fields needed", 00067 "Class/File"=>"Class/File", 00068 "Function"=>"Function", 00069 "Message"=>"Message", 00070 "Line"=>"Line", 00071 "Attention!"=>"Attention!", 00072 "Home"=>"Home", 00073 "Configuration"=>"Configuration", 00074 "AppPref"=>"Application preferences", 00075 "DatetimePref"=>"Datetime preferences", 00076 "Languages"=>"Languages", 00077 "Users"=>"Users", 00078 "Groups"=>"Groups", 00079 "Permissions"=>"Permissions", 00080 "Aspect"=>"Aspect", 00081 "Layout"=>"Layout", 00082 "HomeAdmin"=>"Home Admin", 00083 "Logout"=>"Logout", 00084 "all"=>"all", 00085 "none"=>"none", 00086 "label"=>"label", 00087 "description"=>"description", 00088 "privileges"=>"privileges", 00089 "CantChargeModuleControllerError"=>"Cant't find module %s controller, source searched in %s", 00090 "NoPrimaryKeyTable"=>"Table doesn't have a primary key", 00091 "CantChargeTemplateError"=>"Can't charge the %s template", 00092 "CSRFDetectError"=>"CSRF attack detected or external form submission", 00093 "Sunday"=>"Sunday", 00094 "Monday"=>"Monday", 00095 "Tuesday"=>"Tuesday", 00096 "Wednesday"=>"Wednesday", 00097 "Thursday"=>"Thursday", 00098 "Friday"=>"Friday", 00099 "Saturday"=>"Saturday", 00100 "January"=>"January", 00101 "February"=>"February", 00102 "March"=>"March", 00103 "April"=>"April", 00104 "May"=>"May", 00105 "June"=>"June", 00106 "July"=>"July", 00107 "August"=>"August", 00108 "September"=>"September", 00109 "October"=>"October", 00110 "November"=>"November", 00111 "December"=>"December", 00112 "noAvailableOptions"=>"no available options", 00113 "CantDeleteUploadedFileError"=>"Can't delete uploaded file", 00114 "CantUploadError"=>"Can't upload the selected file", 00115 "chargedFileForm"=>"uploaded file: %s", 00116 "chargedFileFormWithSize"=>"uploaded file: %s (%s)", 00117 "MaxSizeError"=>"Maximum file size exceded", 00118 "FileConsistentError"=>"File does no respect system specifications", 00119 "TplNotFound"=>"%s template not found", 00120 "CantChargeTplError"=>"Cant't charge %s template", 00121 "CantChargeModuleError"=>"Can't charge %s module, source searched in %s", 00122 "DefaultTheme"=>"Default theme", 00123 "DefaultThemeDescription"=>"Base Jeff's theme", 00124 "WhiteTheme"=>"White theme", 00125 "WhiteThemeDescription"=>"Theme with soft colors", 00126 "CantLoadThemeError"=>"Can't find the %s theme class", 00127 "SecureCode"=>"Secure code", 00128 "SecureCodeExp"=>"Insert the string represented in the image", 00129 "errorCaptcha"=>"The secure code inserted is wrong", 00130 "useDotSeparator"=>"use the dot character as decimal separator", 00131 "duplicateKeyEntryError"=>"duplicate entry '%s' for the field '%s'", 00132 "ReservedArea"=>"Reserved area", 00133 "cantFindPlugin"=>"the plugin %s is not installed", 00134 "cantFindPluginSource"=>"the %s plugin source was not found", 00135 "Filters"=>"Filters", 00136 "FiltersTooltip"=>"Text fields search::the following rules are valid:<br />- <b>value</b>: search fields which contains value<br />- <b>"value</b>: search fields which begin with value<br />- <b>"value"</b>: search fields equal to value", 00137 "filter"=>"filter", 00138 "reset"=>"reset", 00139 "insertValidEmail"=>"insert a valid email address", 00140 "CannotCloneSingleton"=>"Singleton instance can not be cloned", 00141 "CannotSerializeSingleton"=>"Singleton instance can not be serialized", 00142 "sameWindow"=>"same window", 00143 "newWindow"=>"new window", 00144 "startingFromSiteRoot"=>"starting from site root <b>%s</b>", 00145 "menuGroupsAdminExp"=>"to have a public voice do not select any group, to make it visible only to certain groups, select the desired ones", 00146 "addSubvoice"=>"add subvoice", 00147 // jeff fields 00148 "app_title"=>"application title", 00149 "app_description"=>"application description", 00150 "app_keywords"=>"application keywords", 00151 "session_timeout"=>"session timeout (s)", 00152 "date_format"=>"date format", 00153 "time_format"=>"time format", 00154 "datetime_format"=>"date and time format", 00155 "class_id"=>"class identifier", 00156 "active"=>"active", 00157 "position"=>"position", 00158 00159 ) 00160 00161 ?>