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Jeff PHP framework
Modular, extensible, OOP, MVC, lightweight php framework designed to ease the programmers in the development of web applications.
00001 <?php 00025 function __($id) { 00026 00027 $language = isset($_SESSION['lng']) ? $_SESSION['lng'] : 'english'; 00028 00029 if(is_readable(ABS_THEMES.DS.'default'.DS.'languages'.DS.$language.'.php')) 00030 $lng = include(ABS_THEMES.DS.'default'.DS.'languages'.DS.$language.'.php'); 00031 else $lng = array(); 00032 00033 // registry singleton 00034 $registry = registry::instance(); 00035 if(isset($registry->theme)) { 00036 $theme = $registry->theme; 00037 if(get_class($theme)!= 'defaultTheme') 00038 if(is_readable($theme->path().DS.'languages'.DS.$language.'.php')) 00039 $lng = array_merge($lng, include($theme->path().DS.'languages'.DS.$language.'.php')); 00040 } 00041 00042 return isset($lng[$id]) ? $lng[$id] : $id; 00043 00044 }; 00045 00060 function anchor($link, $text, $opts=null) { 00061 00062 $buffer = "<a href=\"$link\""; 00063 $buffer .= gOpt($opts, 'over') ? " onmouseover=\"".gOpt($opts, 'over')."\"":""; 00064 $buffer .= gOpt($opts, 'out') ? " onmouseout=\"".gOpt($opts, 'out')."\"":""; 00065 $buffer .= gOpt($opts, 'class') ? " class=\"".gOpt($opts, 'class')."\"":""; 00066 $buffer .= gOpt($opts, 'title') ? " title=\"".gOpt($opts, 'title')."\"":""; 00067 $buffer .= gOpt($opts, 'target') ? " target=\"".gOpt($opts, 'target')."\"":""; 00068 $buffer .= ">"; 00069 $buffer .= $text; 00070 $buffer .= "</a>"; 00071 00072 return $buffer; 00073 } 00074 00087 function layerWindow($title, $url, $text, $opts=null) { 00088 00089 return "<span class=\"link\" onclick=\"".layerWindowCall($title, $url, $opts)."\">$text</span>"; 00090 } 00091 00105 function layerWindowCall($title, $url, $opts=null) { 00106 00107 $width = gOpt($opts, 'width', 800); 00108 $height = gOpt($opts, 'height', null); 00109 $bodyId = gOpt($opts, 'bodyId', 'bid'); 00110 $reloadZindex = gOpt($opts, 'reloadZindex', false) ? "true" : "false"; 00111 00112 $height_opt = $height ? " 'height':$height," : ''; 00113 00114 $onclick = "window.myWin = new layerWindow({'title':'$title', 'url':'$url', 'bodyId':'$bodyId', 'width':$width,$height_opt 'destroyOnClose':true, reloadZindex: $reloadZindex, closeButtonUrl: '".ROOT."/img/icons/ico_close.gif', 'overlay':true});window.myWin.display();"; 00115 00116 return $onclick; 00117 00118 } 00119 00131 function tooltip($label, $title, $text, $opts=null) { 00132 $class = gOpt($opts, 'class', ''); 00133 return "<span class=\"$class tooltip\" title=\"$title::$text\">$label</span>"; 00134 } 00135 00141 function clearFloat() { 00142 return "<div class=\"clear\"></div>"; 00143 } 00144 00151 function relativePath($abspath) { 00152 00153 $path = ROOT.preg_replace("#".preg_quote(ABS_ROOT)."#", "", $abspath); 00154 00155 if(OS=='win') return preg_replace("#".preg_quote("\\")."#", "/", $path); 00156 00157 return $path; 00158 00159 } 00160 00171 function gOpt($opts, $name, $dft=null) { 00172 00173 return isset($opts[$name]) ? $opts[$name] : $dft; 00174 00175 } 00176 00186 function floatcomp($a, $comp, $b, $decimals=2) { 00187 $res = bccomp($a,$b,$decimals); // php function for comparing floating point numbers with a specified level of precision 00188 switch ($comp) { 00189 case ">": 00190 return ($res==1); 00191 case ">=": 00192 return ($res==1 || $res==0); 00193 case "<": 00194 return ($res==-1); 00195 case "<=": 00196 return ($res==-1 || $res==0); 00197 default: 00198 case "==": 00199 return ($res==0); 00200 } 00201 } 00202 00211 function chargeEditor($selector) { 00212 00213 $registry = registry::instance(); 00214 00215 $stylesheets = ''; 00216 foreach($registry->css as $css) 00217 $stylesheets .= $css.";"; 00218 $stylesheets .= ROOT."/css/dojo_frame.css"; 00219 00220 $registry->addJs("https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/dojo/1.6.0/dojo/dojo.xd.js"); 00221 $registry->addJs(ROOT."/lib/js/dojo.js"); 00222 $registry->addCss(ROOT."/css/dojo.css"); 00223 00224 00225 $buffer = "<script>"; 00226 $buffer .= "var dojo_textareas = [];"; 00227 $buffer .= "dojo.ready(function(){ 00228 var textareas = dojo.query(\"$selector\"); 00229 if(textareas && textareas.length){ 00230 dojo.addClass(dojo.body(), \"claro\"); 00231 for(var i=0; i<textareas.length; i++) { 00232 var textarea = textareas[i]; 00233 var key = $(textarea).getParents('form')[0].get('name')+'_'+$(textarea).get('id'); 00234 dojo_textareas[key] = new dijit.Editor({ 00235 styleSheets: \"$stylesheets\", 00236 plugins: [ 00237 \"collapsibletoolbar\", 00238 \"fullscreen\", \"viewsource\", \"|\", 00239 \"undo\", \"redo\", \"|\", 00240 \"cut\", \"copy\", \"paste\", \"|\", 00241 \"bold\", \"italic\", \"underline\", \"strikethrough\", \"|\", 00242 \"insertOrderedList\", \"insertUnorderedList\", \"indent\", \"outdent\", \"||\", 00243 \"formatBlock\", \"fontName\", \"fontSize\", \"||\", 00244 \"findreplace\", \"insertEntity\", \"blockquote\", \"|\", 00245 \"createLink\", \"insertImage\", \"insertanchor\", \"|\", 00246 \"foreColor\", \"hiliteColor\", \"|\", 00247 \"showblocknodes\", \"pastefromword\", 00248 // headless plugins 00249 \"normalizeindentoutdent\", \"prettyprint\", 00250 \"autourllink\", \"dijit._editor.plugins.EnterKeyHandling\" 00251 ] 00252 }, textareas[i]); 00253 } 00254 } 00255 });"; 00256 $buffer .= "</script>"; 00257 00258 return $buffer; 00259 00260 } 00261 00277 function share($social, $url, $title=null, $description=null) { 00278 00279 $registry = registry::instance(); 00280 00281 $ss = new siteSettings($registry); 00282 $source = $ss->app_title; 00283 00284 if($social==="all") $social = array("facebook", "twitter", "linkedin", "digg", "googleplus"); 00285 00286 $items = array(); 00287 foreach($social as $s) { 00288 if($s=='facebook') { 00289 $items[] = "<a name=\"fb_share\" type=\"button_count\" share_url=\"$url\" href=\"http://www.facebook.com/sharer.php\">Share</a><script src=\"http://static.ak.fbcdn.net/connect.php/js/FB.Share\" type=\"text/javascript\"></script>"; 00290 } 00291 elseif($s=='twitter') { 00292 $items[] = "<a href=\"http://twitter.com/home?status=Currentlyreading ".urlencode($url)."\" title=\""._("condividi su Twitter")."\"><img src=\"".ROOT."/img/share_twitter.jpg\" alt=\"Share on Twitter\"></a>"; 00293 } 00294 elseif($s=='linkedin') { 00295 $items[] = "<a href=\"http://www.linkedin.com/shareArticle?mini=true&url=".urlencode($url)."&title=".urlencode($title)."&source=".urlencode($source)."\"><img src=\"".ROOT."/img/share_linkedin.jpg\" alt=\"Share on LinkedIn\"></a>"; 00296 } 00297 elseif($s=='googleplus') { 00298 $items[] = "<g:plusone size=\"small\" width=\"90\"></g:plusone><script type=\"text/javascript\">(function() { var po = document.createElement('script'); po.type = 'text/javascript'; po.async = true; po.src = 'https://apis.google.com/js/plusone.js'; var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(po, s); })();</script>"; 00299 } 00300 elseif($s=='digg') { 00301 $items[] = "<a href=\"http://digg.com/submit?phase=2&url=".$url."&title=".$title."\"><img src=\"".ROOT."/img/share_digg.png\" alt=\"Share on LinkedIn\"></a>"; 00302 } 00303 } 00304 00305 $buffer = implode(" ", $items); 00306 00307 return "<div class=\"share\">".$buffer."</div>"; 00308 } 00309 00324 function cutHtmlText($html, $length, $ending, $strip_tags, $cut_words, $cut_images, $opts = null) { 00325 00326 /* 00327 regular expressions to intercept tags 00328 */ 00329 $opened_tag = "<\w+\s*([^>]*[^\/>]){0,1}>"; // i.e. <p> <b> ... 00330 $closed_tag = "<\/\w+\s*[^>]*>"; // i.e. </p> </b> ... 00331 $openended_tag = "<\w+\s*[^>]*\/>"; // i.e. <br/> <img /> ... 00332 $cutten_tag = "<\w+\s*[^>]*$"; // i.e. <img src="" 00333 $reg_expr_img = "/<img\s*[^>]*\/>/is"; 00334 /* 00335 Check: if text is shorter than length (tags excluded) return $html 00336 with or without tags 00337 */ 00338 $reg_expr = "/$opened_tag|$closed_tag|$openended_tag/is"; 00339 $text = preg_replace($reg_expr, '', $html); 00340 if (strlen($text) <= $length) { 00341 if(!$strip_tags) { 00342 if($cut_images) { 00343 $html = preg_replace($reg_expr_img, "", $html); 00344 } 00345 return $html; 00346 } 00347 else return $text; 00348 } 00349 00350 /* 00351 else if $strip_tags is false... 00352 */ 00353 if(!$strip_tags) { 00354 00355 // splits all html-tags to scanable lines 00356 $reg_expr = "/(<\/?\w+\s*[^>]*\/?>)?([^<>]*)/is"; 00357 preg_match_all($reg_expr, $html, $lines, PREG_SET_ORDER); 00358 /* 00359 now 00360 - in $lines[$i] are listed all the matches with the regular expression: 00361 $lines[0]: first match 00362 $lines[1]: second match ... 00363 00364 - $lines[$i][0] contains the wide matching string 00365 - $lines[$i][1] contains the matching with (<\/?\w+\s*[^>]*\/?>), that is opened or 00366 closed ore openclosed tags 00367 - $lines[$i][2]contains the matching with ([^<>]*) that is the text inside the tag 00368 or between a tag and another 00369 */ 00370 $total_length = 0; 00371 $tags_opened = array(); 00372 $partial_html = ''; 00373 00374 foreach ($lines as $line_matchings) { 00375 /* 00376 $line_matchings[1] contains tags 00377 $line_matchings[2] contains text contained in tags 00378 00379 Check: what kind of tag is? open, close, openclose? 00380 */ 00381 if (!empty($line_matchings[1])) { 00382 $strip_this_tag = 0; 00383 $reg_expr_oc = "/".$openended_tag."$/is"; 00384 $reg_expr_o = "/<(\w+)\s*([^>]*[^\/>]){0,1}>$/is"; 00385 $reg_expr_c = "/<\/(\w+)>$/is"; 00386 // search img tags 00387 if(preg_match($reg_expr_img, $line_matchings[1]) && $cut_images) { 00388 $strip_this_tag = 1; 00389 } 00390 // search openended tags 00391 elseif (preg_match($reg_expr_oc, $line_matchings[1])) { 00392 // nothing: doesn't encrease the count of characters 00393 // and doesn't need a closure 00394 } 00395 // search opened tags 00396 elseif(preg_match($reg_expr_o, $line_matchings[1], $tag_matchings)) { 00397 // open tag 00398 // add tag to the beginning of $open_tags list 00399 array_unshift($tags_opened, strtolower($tag_matchings[1])); 00400 } 00401 // search closed tags 00402 elseif(preg_match($reg_expr_c, $line_matchings[1], $tag_matchings)) { 00403 // close tag 00404 // delete tag from $open_tags list (as it has been already closed) 00405 $pos = array_search($tag_matchings[1], $tags_opened); 00406 if ($pos !== false) { 00407 unset($tags_opened[$pos]); 00408 } 00409 } 00410 // add html-tag to $truncate'd text 00411 if(!$strip_this_tag) $partial_html .= $line_matchings[1]; 00412 00413 } 00414 /* 00415 Calculate the lenght of the text inside tags and replace considering html entities one size characters 00416 */ 00417 $reg_exp_entities = '/&[0-9a-z]{2,8};|&#[0-9]{1,7};|&#x[0-9a-f]{1,6};/i'; 00418 $content_length = strlen(preg_replace($reg_exp_entities, ' ', $line_matchings[2])); 00419 00420 if ($total_length+$content_length> $length) { 00421 00422 $left = $length - $total_length; 00423 $entities_length = 0; 00424 00425 // search for html entities (l'entities conta come un carattere, ma nell'html ne uccupa di più, quindi dobbiamo fare in modo di includere completament l'entities, cioè il suo codice e contarlo interamente come un singolo carattere: scaliamo uno da $left ed aggiungiamo $entities_length all alunghezza della substring) 00426 if(preg_match_all($reg_exp_entities, $line_matchings[2], $entities, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE)) { 00427 // calculate the real length of all entities in the legal range 00428 foreach ($entities[0] as $entity) { 00429 if ($entity[1]+1-$entities_length <= $left) { 00430 $left--; 00431 $entities_length += strlen($entity[0]); 00432 } 00433 else { 00434 // no more characters left 00435 break; 00436 } 00437 } 00438 } 00439 00440 $partial_html .= substr($line_matchings[2], 0, $left+$entities_length); 00441 // maximum lenght is reached, so get off the loop 00442 break; 00443 00444 } 00445 else { 00446 $partial_html .= $line_matchings[2]; 00447 $total_length += $content_length; 00448 } 00449 00450 // if the maximum length is reached, get off the loop 00451 if($total_length>= $length) break; 00452 00453 } 00454 } 00455 else { 00456 // onlly pure text 00457 $partial_html = substr($text, 0, $length); 00458 } 00459 00460 // if the words shouldn't be cut in the middle... 00461 if (!$cut_words) { 00462 //search the last occurance of a space or an end tag 00463 $spacepos = strrpos($partial_html, ' '); 00464 $endtagpos = strrpos($partial_html, '>'); 00465 if(isset($spacepos) || isset($endtagpos)) { 00466 //cut the text in this position 00467 $cutpos = ($spacepos<$endtagpos)? ($endtagpos+1) : $spacepos; 00468 $partial_html = substr($partial_html, 0, $cutpos); 00469 } 00470 } 00471 00472 if(gOpt($opts, 'endingPosition') == 'in') 00473 $partial_html .= $ending; 00474 00475 /* 00476 close all opened tags (if strip tags is false) 00477 */ 00478 if(!$strip_tags) 00479 // close all unclosed html tags 00480 foreach ($tags_opened as $tag) 00481 $partial_html .= '</' . $tag . '>'; 00482 00483 // add the ending characters to the partial text 00484 if(gOpt($opts, 'endingPosition') != 'in') 00485 $partial_html .= $ending; 00486 00487 return $partial_html; 00488 00489 } 00490 00491 ?>